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KalaKrut NFTs Platform for Sustainability of All Within Music Industry

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KalaKrut NFTs Platform for Sustainability of All Within Music Industry

We are sustainability based community of artists, industry professionals, services, production facilities and venues within the ecology of Musical Events and Music Industry. We have 80+ Music Performers and 10+ invited associates. Our non-member extended community comprises of 300+ artists and services. 

Presently we provide free/fremium tools based on open source software/services to our community. Recently, we have added a subscription based Slack community to facilitate community collaborations and bringing our own teams together on one-platform. 

Feel free to write to us your enquiries about creative lyrical or writing/scripting/conceptualuzing musical or musical theatre works. We will find best available artist or services for your events. We charge minimal service charges and/or light weight retainers. 

KalaKrut NFTs is Inviting Leading Content Creators viz. Lead Solo Singers, Song Writers, Lead Instrumentalists, Composers, Music Directors, Musical Theatre Productions, Multimedia Production Houses, Choreographers, Lead Solo Dancers, Dance Troups, Visual Artists, Visual Effect Creators, Pyro-tech Experts, Event Companies, Festival/Exhibition Organizers, Music Journalists, Lyricists, Writers, Music Educationists, Book Authors and Sellers, Celebrities as well as Technology Partners, Angel Investors, Sponsors, Funding Organizations, Charitable Trusts/Foundations and Benevolent Donors to join and follow our initiative to establish a Decentralized Autonomous Organization to provide a marketplace platform for Indiawide, extendable to Worldwide, music community in a transparent way. We would be also pleased to have an associated extended community of Music Archivists, Content Collectors and Curators.

KalaKrut NFTs wish to build the trusted community, raise funds and transparently utilize funds for activities to support artists, industry professionals, services, businesses in collaboration based environment to maximize your sustainability using the newer open source technologies in the field of cryptocurrencies using NFTs.

To join KalaKrut NFTs you need to have an ETH Wallet. Use your wallet address to login and follow us on 3Box.

This is the first step towards making your community come to reality. Presently, we are working on zero funding. We have been exploring the NFT space for a few years already.

Your support would make us provide you with a better platform for your success.  

We welcome sponsors for our live/virtual events, meetups and gigs as well as tech partners and/or angel investors for NFT platform.  

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